Daily life

by applecheeks   Dec 29, 2003

In the morning I get out of bed
Walk to the bathroom while scratching my head
Then sit on the pot to take a quick leak
And look into the mirror and have a quick peek
My hair what a mess, my make-up all smeared
Then notice a whisker, and hope I’m not growing a beard!
Wash off all the grime I see on my face
Then out of my bathroom , I have no time to waste
Into the kitchen to get me some brew
Before I get started with all I must do
Get the kids ready, eat some cereal, brush their hair
Out the door early…now that would be rare
Get in the car and I drive them to school
But not before my son makes sure that he looks cool
After school its homework, my kids are fighting while im going beserk
Dinner is cooking im running the bath My son needs help with a problem in math
Then nighttime has fallen I must get some sleep
Once I am out, I don’t hear a peep
Til with the dawns light I arise with a grin to do yesterday all over again.


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