Comments : White Lies / Black Lies

  • 19 years ago

    by Aidyn

    It's interesting--a neat concept. I like the final allusion, but I'm gonna have to be annoying one last time and say *shakes fist* darn you lit kids and your allusions!! Really beautiful, though...and yeah...I knew the foul and fair thing in my sonnet there was borrowed *cough*stolen*cough* from Macbeth, but I didn't realize just how Macbeth-esque the rest of it was until you pointed it out...but it wasn't supposed to be about Macbeth...honestly...hehe...


  • 19 years ago

    by LostSoul

    This has a really thoughtful topic, do you read a lot of books? It seems like it. I like the style of poetry you write, it captures my attention right away.

  • 19 years ago

    by erratic hippie

    Sadly, no. books don't quite cut it on my spare time schedule as much as television / "couch sports", as i call it. i've been reading the Hitchhiker's Guide since April! (then again...i put it down a while back and haven't bothered to pick it up). never fear - i'll give it another go 'round July.

  • 18 years ago

    by The Wingless

    This has a really thoughtful topic, do you read a lot of books? It seems like it. I like the style of poetry you write, it captures my attention right away.

    I'm him..Lol.

  • 18 years ago

    by perkyshadowgirl

    Nice work :)
    (*random mandy moment* IT RHYMES :D:D:D)
    < / end random mandy moment >