Unforgivable mistake

by alwaysremeniceus   Dec 24, 2005

When i caused myself more regrets,
my unforgivable mistake,
it would become something I'd never forget,
something that would cause my heart to break.

just a moment,
just a thought,
once too many,
causing this fight we fought.

arguments stop,
trying to pretend nothing happened,
but suddenly all the illusions drop,
its back to what may make things end.

i wonder now if our relationship will even maintain,
i wish what i remember about those few hours was all fake,
the regretful night i went insane,
i can't undo, my unforgivable mistake.


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  • Hey babe, well im sorry to hear that everything has g0ne wr0ng....r y0o and ur bf still 2gether? if u r im sure he will get over what happened, dont be upset 4 wat happened, no one is perfect and i no things seem bad but something will happen that is good hopefully and hopefully it will make u happy....im always here if ya need s0me1 2 talk 2 kk? well buh byee

  • 19 years ago

    by xDryTearsx

    This was a really good poem it was sad :( but i really liked it.

  • 19 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Great poem very well written


  • 19 years ago

    by firexflys

    Awww hun these poems remined me of my old poems so sad and such hurt in them hun i feel for you keep your head up 5.5

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