Yours For the Taking

by Fighter (Ariane L.)   Dec 24, 2005

In the crowd, I used to stand alone.
No matter the people that surrounded me,
I believed I stood by myself.

In the crowd, holding your hand,
I stand strong, believing once again.
I believe in myself once more.

Your love gave me the strength
To continue fighting.
It gave me the confidence I needed.

No longer numb, I've opened my heart to you.
Handed on a plater, keys lying nearby.
No longer afraid to risk it all.
I'm yours for the taking.

Thank you for showing me the power of love.
Thank you for making me believe once again.
Thank you for believing in me.


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  • 19 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    Hun you can never stand alone even if hadnt found this new happiness you would always have us lot on here! 5/5 though (as always) xox

  • 19 years ago

    by just a poet

    I love the poem, u fill it with so much i dont no desire i suppose and its noce to no that not all guys aree jerks. good work

  • 19 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    Happy christmas hunny! lol well done i really like the repition in the last stanza=) I hope you have a good Holday and Ill talk to you soon hunny!

    Love Always