The little girl

by megan   Dec 24, 2005

There is this little girl
she sits in her room hurting and one knows whats wrong she wouldn't tell.

she lost her parents when she was 5 her dad decided to kill her mom then himself.

the little girl has been thinking about killing herself because she wants them back.
at night she goes in her room no one can here her scream and cry

she would grab a razor hold it high and hope that she would die. people tryed to talk her out of it but no one understands how much she is hurt.

so she just takes the razor and cuts herself ever so deep, she cuts herself to deep and she falls to the floor bleeding and she cant get it to stop.

when her grandparents come in they see her laying on the floor dead.

they don't Even care..

She has taken her life..


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  • 18 years ago

    by Simple Sensation

    I like the story in this poem hun. Its a good read. Very sad story. But look, all that youve been through, itll only make you stronger! i hope your ok, feel free to IM or PM me. xx

  • 18 years ago

    by Alexa.

    Megan baby its okay. I know that life suckz but u got ppl that care about u.. and im here for u so dont worry! i love ur poems..

  • 19 years ago

    by nadsyy

    OMg babe dis mad eme cry:'(....i knw u've lost yr parents but gal keep strong alrite im here if u need me u've got ma adey jst email me wen yr dwn or anything...i mite not have da best advice but iw nt to help u gal...i love u dia mwaz xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Michelle

    Awww... don't give up... *hugs* ... if you need anyone to listen, I'm here for you.


  • 19 years ago

    by love2beloved(chels)

    The poem was ok, but seriously, cutting is the worst way to let out the pain, and no offense, but it's really dumb to even start, so if in that poem you were referring to yourself, then please get help before your future is the ending of the poem. Chels

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