Comments : I Love You Jon

  • 18 years ago

    by swill

    I'm sorry you are not with him any longer. No, actually I'm not...because i read your story. Ive figured from wat youve written...that he was a TOTAL (i wanted something like double CAPS for this) DCIKHEAD. I mean...i cannot believe he said done with you just like that. its so ridiculous! i know it is difficult for you to stop loving him..but it seems like you already have. thats a VERY good thing....esp now that you have someone to care for you...another john lol. (im sure he is much nicer...MILLION TIMES)

    its a sad story...because even i feel that he used you...whereas you loved him...and thats where it hurts most. I think you should really learn from this experience (so that you wudnt repeat the same mistake again) and recognize how to identify people. if you feel he is cheating on you and he is treating u like crap...leave him...or if u dont or cant do that...atleast investigate enough to find out whats going wrong where. a little less heart and a little more brain sometimes does help in this.
    Anyway, i have my own sad story too...i dont think its nearly as sad...but i lost 15 pounds lol :P

    there are guys out there who really mean it when they love someone and would get heart VERY BADLY if something was to go wrong. (like me...and hopefully John (the first one not sure bout the spelling lol)

    Umm so...I hope you stay very very happy with him...and have a wonderful time. Just remember, however, that if you love him and he loves you it doesnt mean he owns you. you still have your freedom and the complete right to leave him if he starts acting really badly (though i would suggest you try to sort it out at first, without breaking up)

    I dunno...this is wat i feel..not sure if this advice really helps...but there goes...
    take care...hope to hear from you soon.

  • 18 years ago

    by Spoken Silence

    This is the second poem of yours that ive read and i can already see the variety in your poetry...... thats a very good thing it shows complexity in the poet which is a good thing because complexity and contradiction make great poetry.....this was a great poem ... and even though your relationship with him is over it doesnt mean the poem is now no longer true it justmeans the truth of the poem lies in the past..... great job