The Creator...

by Lovesick 4 Jesus   Dec 25, 2005

It makes me really sad
to know that people are lost
and that their unfaithfulness
will be their eternal cost

To talk about Jesus
like hes a piece of dirt
when hes the one who created you
and all that you are worth

He created the land you walk on
the people who built your house
the ones who love you most
your suppose to pray about

Believing in him
will set your path straight
it will give you the chance
to have miracles made

He loves us very much
please try and understand
thats hes the ONLY one
who'll be there until the very END

He created all that you are
and puts people in your life
sometimes he punishes us
just to make things right

There's reasons for what he does
though you might not know
when you obey his word
his loves he'll always show

There would be no world
no people or animals
if it wasn't for the words he spoke
and the life that he granted us

How can you sit and say
that he does not exist
when all he wants to do
is fill your life with bliss

Please listen to what I'm saying
he loves you more than him himself
for those who don't believe this i pray for your soul, because theres so much to appreciate, His story has been told


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  • 18 years ago

    by HighPerfection

    Hun ya know my opinions on god and that stuff but its a good poem other wise could ya maybe comment on my new poem its been neglected latly luvs so much hun