
by Claire   Dec 25, 2005

I fake the way I feel
I hide behind a mask
It covers my tear stained face
I feel protected inside

But all these feelings bottled
Are ready to explode
I can't stop myself from crying
I hate what I have choose

I could have let them out
Let you see my tears
But I feel embarrassed when I cry
I feel as though I'm weak

I want to be strong and tough
But I get so confused
You're never there when I need you
It's like I'm not loved

I could get any boy that I really wish
I could pass every class if that's what I want
But if I were to try to stop crying
That I could not do

I got a lot of friends
But I only have a few true ones
They help me through these times
They are my shoulder to lean on

I'm scared of very little things
But expressing my feelings is one
I'm scared that I'll be made fun of
And get hurt if I let anyone in

I'm am scared of getting hurt
And I'm trusting you with my life
So now that you have gained my trust
Please do not abuse it

I wear this mask to protect myself
And if I ever take it off for you to see
The true blue real me
You will understand why I wear this mask


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  • 19 years ago

    by amandaa

    It's good....I feel the EEEEXXXXACT same way. There's two poems that you've written that I can totally, TOTALLY, relate to. So keep writing, ok? You're good.