Unanswered Questions

by XTaintedxBeautyX   Dec 25, 2005

-life get better after
you have lost love?
-he still really care for me?

-did he even break
up with me?
-do people cry?

-Many people would I take down after I die, like who would kill themselves over me?

-I dont want anyone
to so how can I change their minds?
-do you get the person
you love back?
-much pain have I caused you?

If I died:
-who would know I'm very sorry?

-Who would know I love them no matter what?

-Who would know that I would want them to still live their
life the way they
would as if I was there?
-Who would deliver
my last words to him?
-Who Loves me?
-Who would care?

-The best way to die?

-Up with me?
-John trying to tell me?
- he trying to tell me,
that its over forever?
-This voice inside
my head trying to tell me?
it has some good ideas...

...And the blood hits the floor...
...It's enough to say I'm dead...
...I've made a huge mistake...
...I want you to know...
...I'm sorry...

© Corinne


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by luna bella

    OMG!!!!!!!! such a strong poem i loved it keeep up the great work

  • 19 years ago

    by hunter

    WoW!!! Strong!!! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by XTaintedxBeautyX

    Thanks it does help me with it... I will do your idea:)


  • 19 years ago

    by The Wingless

    I have an idea for the verses,

    -life get better after
    you have lost love?
    -he still really care for me?

    -did he even break
    up with me?
    -do people cry?

    -Many people would I take down after I die, like who would kill themselves over me?

    -I dont want anyone
    to so how can I change their minds?
    -do you get the person
    you love back?
    -much pain have I caused you?

    If I died:
    -who would know I'm very sorry?

    -Who would know I love them no matter what?

    -Who would know that I would want them to still live their
    life the way they
    would as if I was there?
    -Who would deliver
    my last words to him?
    -Who Loves me?
    -Who would care?

    -The best way to die?

    -Up with me?
    -John trying to tell me?
    - he trying to tell me,
    that its over forever?
    -This voice inside
    my head trying to tell me?
    it has some good ideas...

    ...And the blood hits the floor...
    ...It's enough to say I'm dead...
    ...I've made a huge mistake...
    ...I want you to know...
    ...I'm sorry...

    Once again great poem and I hope this helps.

  • 19 years ago

    by The Wingless

    Hey, this is really great, but now the most common problem I have with people's poems is the format, this one I don't like the format, I like the message but not the format. Heh, it was easy to read with all those lines spaced and that was really good but I think you strectched out the poem too much, when ever I had to scroll down the poem kind of lost it's meaning and by the end I had forgot the beginning, even the though poem is not very long, I would suggest to try and make them into verses and then spacing between each verse.
    Wonderful poem.

    Keep up the good work.