Still cant let go

by X-Fallen Angel-X   Dec 26, 2005

Some call me a bully and finally I realize it may be true
I bully my family
My friends
Even myself into doing things I really don't want to
I hate living like this, at times hate living at all but I'm too afraid to die
But inside of me I'm already dead
I'm cold like a puppet on a string
I rarely show my feelings especially not to my family
No one's aware of how many times I've cried my self to sleep at night
I don't even know who I am anymore,
I'm not a nice person unless there's a reason behind it
I try to be a funny person to over shadow the pain
But deep within me it still hurts the same.

I destroy my self further
As I keep the pain with in
I can feel the sorrow inside me, ripping me up
I know in my heart I'm ruining myself and everyone else around me
But it's the only way I know how to put up with the pain
And make it lessen a little bit for a little while
But it never truly goes away
I know I have friends and family
But theres no one I can really talk to
Tell them the truth, why I am the way I am
No one except God knows
And lord knows I have sinned, and I know it too
But I cant bring myself to stop
I'm killing myself slowly with all that I do
And theres no one who realizes
and truth is...i wanna stop all the madness and find a way through.

and i realise that
I still haven't let anyone in
I've still dodged speaking of the main sources of my pain
kept them caged deep into my soul,
now i know for sure their the painful, shameful secrets i still cant let go of...


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  • Hey hun well really g0od p0em, u expressed ur feelingz really well, i cant say i no h0w u feel c0z i dont n0 h0w much pain u feel but i no what its like 2 feel pain and n0t n0 h0w 2 c0pe with it....s0 if u need s0me1 im always here....luv l0tz

  • 19 years ago

    by nasreen

    A beautifully written poem, from real feelings truly brilliant :):) 5/5


  • 19 years ago

    by pseudo

    Very strong words. these feelings that you have you have to set them free tell someone im sure they'll listen great write a lot of emotion. if you ever need anyone to talk to im here.
