I leave you with this.

by Liz   Dec 26, 2005

We spent the summer together just you and me under the covers so warm and toasty. The look in your eyes when they meet mine I could tell you only wanted to use me.Even though i knew it i wouldn't give up hope of one day being with him.

I dreamt of you that same summer, of our wedding together. I know i sound obsessive but i really feel for you. My friends told me to forget about you that you could never fall for me as hard as i fell for you but I wouldn't listen to the two people who care most about me.

How could i ever think that you could love me? I risked everything just to empress you. I snuck out and did things i know i shouldn't of.
Now all i feel is pain. You threw my heart and broke it just like it was a toy. Your friend even told me he didn't like the way you treated your girls. How could i be so blind?I never judged the way you looked but i guess you didn't realize that. So to end this poem I leave you with this I hope you will find a girl who will take all your Bull Sh*t


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  • 19 years ago

    by Beth

    Nice poem vary cute and toanswer your quote men r just not right in the head lol guys will always stay young boys until we wipp them into shape.(hope that answers ur question)