The Journey

by Rich   Dec 26, 2005

I traveled a path with a goal to achieve
Only to find what I couldn't believe
My path had split into many ways
Trying to decide, I sat there for days
Impatience had found me, I couldn't escape
I had to choose now, but which one to take
One path was flooded with tears of pain
The second...."dark and lonely" was my complaint
The third confused me and made me feel blind
The fourth a jungle…"I'm not out of my mind"
The last seemed bare...nothing in sight
This was the path, I felt it was right
It rained for days, I trudged through the mud
I began to swim for the rain caused a flood
The rain now ceased and I embraced the sun
This is where the heat begun
Heat waves appeared, blurring my vision
I then saw things that were deception
I thought they were real, could I be wrong
Blinded from truth, I carried on
The days grew dark, with barely no light
I felt the discomfort of lonely nights
Nights that grew colder as I stumbled ahead
To a jungle was where I had been led
A struggle it was to get through the trees
But the hardest for me was to be on my knees
Crawling though bushes to reach my goal
The hardships I suffered, I could not control
Then finally I knew I reached the end
My love...a message I wanted to send
My message delivered but my thoughts in a bind
For I avoided four paths, yet I've come to find
That I traveled them all, when I chose not
And then it hit a barrage of thoughts
To be in love, I had to make it through the pain
To see things in reality and not think them in my brain
To feel alone at times and still be okay
To fight for love, no matter what way
To endure all obstacles and rise up above
That's what it takes, when you're in love


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  • 19 years ago

    by Firooz

    Its really a good poem, I'd like you to come my poems under your view and comment on every one, Wish you good luck,