Cant you see

by Emma   Dec 26, 2005

My heart is breaking
My wrists are bleeding
My head is spinning
My body is slowly dying
My eyes are lying
Why cant you See it?

The only time i smile is at night
When there is only a glimmer of light
on my blade, and my tears only can be seen by moonlight
I see a small glimpse of my dreams and i cant fight
for them because they fly out of sight
Why cant you see that?

I am slowly breaking down
No one hear my pitiful sounds
I am now lost and hoping to be found
By a love that wont make me feel so bound
My heart begins to quickly pound
Because you haven't seen and now I'm dead and cold on the ground.

please read and comment


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jessica

    Wow.. very dark and sad.. this had quite a lot of emotion and the descriptions were good. nice imagery! i could really imagine you lying there on the ground.. btw, i hope you are not actually a cutter.. good job!

  • 19 years ago

    by J Lau

    Very nice work... I must say that you may want to re-consider the flow of the poem and not to try too hard to make it rhyme... I like it though... keep up the good work!

  • 19 years ago

    by Ashley Van Eperen

    Ahh...a very common topic for poetry, which i'm sure that almost every one can relate to. you captured this feeling very well, and expressed it even better 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by nobody truly knows me

    That was a good poem. to be honest, you could work on your rhythms some. other than that it was excellent.

  • 19 years ago

    by xDryTearsx

    Aw when did you die??!?!?!
    Just kidding. o.O
    This poem was ..... It was pretty good.