Comments : The Girl Who Didn't Feel So Well

  • 19 years ago

    by Jaklynn

    Its not a badly written poem. I really like it, its probably better than most of mine anyway. And dont be ashamed of anything you write, at least your taking the time and effort to do it because thats more than many people can say. Great Poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by Mimi112

    I completly understand how u's like this when u r depressed..i had a similar poem, but i didnt submit it.. sometimes u feel like ur body's here but ur spirit is so far away. and eventhough u may have all the stuff u want in ur life, something's just not right..and u get depressed and u dont really understand why.. thats just how depression takes a lot of time and courage to overcome it..but when it will pass, u'll be able to understand so much more, trust me..if u need to talk, mail me no prob ! good luck and dont give up !!!! we all struggle to survive, not to succomb.. =)

  • 19 years ago

    by Me&You (simply magical)

    No don't say that this poem was badly written because no poem from the heart can be badly written. You're very talented and i loved this poem and the story behind it. Its an amazing read and i'll be sure to check out your other poems!!! Good luck with everything....i hope you get through alright....the offers here too if you need to talk!!!
    luv jess xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by cochise

    This is such a beautiful poem.I really liked this , it was great, been there and felt the same way. Keep it up
    comment on my poem way i feel if you get a chance

  • 19 years ago

    by Amberinaa

    Hey thanx so much for commenting on my poems it means alot to me that people out there can relate to them or enjoy them. And your very sweet for saying that i have courage and my peoms should be read more that ment alot!! Your a very excellent writer yourself. Im DEFENITLY putting you under my favorites ;)

  • 19 years ago

    by LyricalFlow

    If that was badly written, den my poems must be real bad, girl da was perfect.

  • 18 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    There are many things that make up you as a person, but a bad writer is not one of them. A poem's best quality is to have the words engraved with emotions, something you have always done well in the many of your poems I have read. Depression is not fun to live with, because the world is balck and gray, the white died and won't return. Some go on meds, b/c they say that helps, but that never did anything for me. I send you many hugs love, because our stories are so similar, I feel for you in so many ways.

    -Tainted mikochan