Crimson tears

by emptily whole   Dec 26, 2005

After all of these years,
You don't notice whem I'm feeling down,
You don't catch my crimson tears,
You don't help me when I frown.

I wish you noticed me,
But you love her way too much,
But I love you but you can't see,
You're going to lose my trust.

She's perfect,
She's worth alot,
I'm not worth it,
I'm everything she's not.

Tears flow down my cheeks,
Blood pours out of my veins,
These tears are crimson- for I am weak,
Everytime I look out of my window it always rains.

I don't know what more to say,
I wish I could tell you how I feel,
But I'm sure the feeling will fade,
Well I hope so, because I'm starting to make- believe that these feelings are somewhat real...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Danielle Gagnon

    Your everything she is and more! he just cant see it.