This morning I woke up late
Eggs and sausage was what I ate
My teeth aren't at all brushed
Kissing me you should not trust
The clothes I'm wearing aren't clean
I have so many unfinished things
I'm not wearing any socks
Feels like I'm walking on rocks
I haven't brushed my hair at all
Sticking out, making me 6 feet tall
I haven't put my make-up on
I took a hit off a huge bong
I didn't get to take a shower
I ruled the house with stink power
I didn't get to shave my legs
To be smooth my legs beg!
I feel like I'm covered in dirt
I cover it up by wearing a skirt
My face hasn't been washed today
In a minute perhaps I may
But I really highly doubt it
I'm so lazy, I'll tell you all about it
All I did was sit today
Wasting my precious life away