Love is like a rose

by Aimee   Dec 27, 2005

Love is like a rose,
with gentle tender parts.
Slowly it unfolds,
and deepens in you heart.
Its beauty cant be tamed,
its as wild as the wind.
Words can never explain,
the feeling held within.
You could be cut by a thorn,
and your heart will bleed.
Sometimes it will be torn,
but inside is always a new seed.
There will always be changes,
yet it grows and grows.
Although it may seem strange,
love is like a rose.


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  • 19 years ago

    by in_love

    Wow bub im so speechless.. your so talented..every poem i read i get more impressed keep it up.. love always and forever kj xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Krisanta

    Ya i think ur right! i like this one too..ur such a good writer.

  • 19 years ago

    by *[[ JoRdSkIiEz ]]*

    I love all ur poems aimee , keep writting ur poems touch my heart they have so much meaning behind then n i love them

    luv me

  • 19 years ago

    by Firooz

    Its really a good poem, I'd like you to come my poems under your view and comment on every one, Wish you good luck,

  • 19 years ago

    by obsessedgurl

    Whoa, i really like this poem! it is definately tru! What a gr8 metaphor!