Welcome To My Life Part 1

by xoxShorteexox   Dec 27, 2005

Background information: My name is Blackened Rose.(Heather is my real name, but you will understand how it became Blackened Rose.) I writing to telling you that about my life, this is my dairy. I am 14. OK, now to my family, my mom and dad are divorced, (believe me it's for the best) I have two half brothers, but I just call them my brothers. My mom is a cruel person who tells me I am fat.(How can I be fat? When I weigh 147.) My dad is more of the laid back and you don't want to make him mad. My mom and I don't get along (She messed up our life). Me and my brother, Scott haven't forgiven her for it. (You will find out how she ripped our life apart.)
We both think she is names I am not going to say because they are disrespectful.
I had a step dad, but my mom ripped his life apart too. My step dad is the one who encouraged my writing. My step dad will call him Robin. My other brother is Tim.
Since I was 3, my mom has been the yelling type. (We lived in Oregon.) My dad yelled back, but mom was always louder. I held on the Scott not knowing what to think. (What do you expect a 3 year old to do?) I was always wondering why mom and dad yelled and I found out when I was 10, but anyways back to the story. When I turned 4, my family seemed so different by the time I was four and a half. My mom and dad weren\\\'t together anymore and I never knew why. (But being 4 �½ wouldn\\\'t have understood like I do now.) I understood they weren\\\'t together, but why I didn\\\'t know. I was in dance thing about that dumb puppet. My parents were there, but with other people. When I was 6,me and my mom moved in with this new man (Robin). I didn\\\'t know why. I would still cry that my mom and dad weren\\\'t together.Also, I was always happy (or I acted like it.) Mom, Robin, and I moved to a small town in Eastern Oregon. Where I went to a tiny school. My mom and Robin got married. When I was 6, I moved with my dad, and everything was different with this new woman (Monica, she was a witch). I had to sleep with her daughter and I always had be cold were night and I had to sleep against the wall (it hurt).

When I was 7, my dad and I moved to Washington and it all seemed good. I went to a nice school and I had a great babysitter. Everything fit and everyone was happy. Me and my dad got along great and I would see my mom during the summer. I when to a big school. There was happiness in my life. When I was 9, I went to my mom\\\'s house during summer (like usual) and I cried about my parents not being together, I hated Robin cbecausehe wasn\\\'t my dad. (I was rebelling at a young age.) My mom told me it was no one\\\'s fault that she and my dad broke up. (I might have been 9, but I wasn\\\'t stupid, I knew it was someone\\\'s fault.) When I was 10, I wanted to live with my mom cbecauseI knew my body was changing. (puberty I was getting things on my chest (boobs.) When I was 10, I also found out why my parents got a divorced. (This is the part where my mom destroyed my life.) My mom had cheated on my dad twice. I found this out and I fell hard, (very hard!) I was having a great life besides the fact of my mom cheating on my dad (TWICE!!!)I had visited my dad each summer. When was 11 (all the guys at my school hated me for breaking up with their best friend.) 11 not too much happened.

When I was 12, over that summer I went seen my dad and asked him if he knew the name of the first guy that mom cheated on with. My dad said, Jerry. My mouth fell to the ground because there was a guy named Jerry that called the house every night wanting to talk to my mom. I found out that my mom had been talking to the guy that cheated on my dad with (How sick is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I felt so disgusted with her I didn\\\'t know what to say. (I wanted to vomit.) Everyday my mom was going to the bar. (Or so I was told.) I was too busy with my life (to think about what is really going.) I finally stepped up and wanted to know why she was going each night. ( I am glad, I found out because this woman that had given me life was a sult!!)


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  • 19 years ago

    by Matthew A.

    Damn...im sorry that this is what happened to you. I have been through the same thing with my parent, mom cheating and all, and I know what it can do to a kid's life. I need to read the other one.
