
by Stephy   Dec 27, 2005

A talented musician
Hoping to be a rock star
Playing every hour, every day
Alone with his guitar

A superstar athlete
Following his dream
Practice after practice. game after game
One goal, two goals, three for the team

A innocent child
Who's life was suddenly taken
The driver lost control and a second later it was over
So many are left broken, this was never suppose to happen

Just another man
Who cheated on his wife
He had a family, he had kids
But he chose another life

A cancer victim
Who fought for years
She gave it everything she had
She flew away in peace, leaving us in tears

A good orthopedist
Here's a plane ticket and off you go
The red cross called, you have to move
When you'll return, we don't know

The musician, the athlete,
The child, the man,
The victim and the doctor too
Left one after the other leaving us to make it through

~ Not my best, but everyone mentionned in this poem are real, gone in different meanings of the word, and them leaving affected me directly, people I care about, or both....~


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  • 18 years ago

    by jennifer

    Hey steph, I know the poem was done a long time ago, but I've just read it and I know who you're talking about exept for the athlete and I really think you're right. I really love you're poems. Love you. Jenn

  • 19 years ago

    by Jay-Jammal

    I'm sure it's true and even i like it the way u use the beautiful words soo keep it up....good job 5/5..lol


  • 19 years ago

    by HighPerfection

    Incredible i think u have alot of talent i love your poems!! wow 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Mona

    (blushes) erm.. sorry the first phrase with the "once you again you" was horrible.. god what a typo... ahum sorry forgive me hun =) haha

  • 19 years ago

    by Mona

    Wow. Steph, once you again you just surprise me! Whenever I think you have reached the top, and that it would be imposible to push it any further, you just come up with a new poem, and it turns out to be better then whatever I have read so for. This.. Is... WONDERFUL. I loved every word. Beautiful written. Once again you have showed how talented you are. I'm a big fan of your work! Just keep it up hun, keep it up. I would also like to wish you a happy new year =)