Comments : Gone

  • 19 years ago

    by Melissa

    I love it, very powerfully spoken! Truly a wonderful write!

  • 19 years ago

    by And smiles hide everything

    He didnt chose another life, he changed the things that didnt work out in his life, that doesn't mean he doesn't love his kids anymore, i know u never said that but its like u think he abandoned you, he didnt, im glad u went over for christmas, u should be grateful that u have a dad, no matter what mistakes he did, i mean come on u've made mistakes too.

  • 19 years ago

    by Mona

    Wow. Steph, once you again you just surprise me! Whenever I think you have reached the top, and that it would be imposible to push it any further, you just come up with a new poem, and it turns out to be better then whatever I have read so for. This.. Is... WONDERFUL. I loved every word. Beautiful written. Once again you have showed how talented you are. I'm a big fan of your work! Just keep it up hun, keep it up. I would also like to wish you a happy new year =)

  • 19 years ago

    by Mona

    (blushes) erm.. sorry the first phrase with the "once you again you" was horrible.. god what a typo... ahum sorry forgive me hun =) haha

  • 19 years ago

    by HighPerfection

    Incredible i think u have alot of talent i love your poems!! wow 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Jay-Jammal

    I'm sure it's true and even i like it the way u use the beautiful words soo keep it up....good job 5/


  • 18 years ago

    by jennifer

    Hey steph, I know the poem was done a long time ago, but I've just read it and I know who you're talking about exept for the athlete and I really think you're right. I really love you're poems. Love you. Jenn