The Day I moved out- 2010

by Chelsey   Dec 27, 2005

Year: 2010

As I stood in my driveway
With tears swelling in my eyes
I was so confused and lost
As to how I'd say my good-byes

I took one last look at the neighborhood
Took one last look at my childhood home
So many family memories
And times when I was alone

Took one last look at the basketball hoop
Remembered when I used to watch my brothers
Remebered running through the sprinkler
Playing hide-go-seek with others

I looked at the windows
Where Christmas lights were strung
Remembering holding the ladder for dad
While decorations he hung

Looked up to the porch
Where me and mama watched the stars
Noticed most the neighborhood children were gone
On the streets there were fewer cars

I closed my eyes and took a breath
Then felt mommmys warm hug
I knew I'd miss this house so much
And the feeling of homes love

After wiping mamas tears
After squeezing daddy tight
In my ear my brother reassured me
Everything would be alright

Threw the last bag in the car
As I blew them all a kiss
I was now college bound
They all will surely be missed

They all leaned through the window
Said they left something to give me a start
I'll never forget what they all gave
It had an impact on my heart

Daddys said, "Here's a map if you get lost"
Brother said, "There's gas money in the ash tray"
Mama handed me a bible
"Baby let God guide you way"

I pulled out of the driveway
Remembered to honk the horn
I knew why mom and dad were crying
Probably imagining when I was born

The last stop before I left
The stop to my all time best friend
Wishing her the best of luck in college
Promising I'll be visiting again

I pulled up to my apartment complex
After about a 10 hour drive
Determined to make my dreams met
Ready to accomplish and strive

I got settled with movers help
Began to furnish my place
All of a sudden had a flashback
To mamas nervous face

So it came time for bed
I held moms bible and began to pray
"Father please calm my family's worries,
Let them know that I'm okay"

Met a couple of new girls
Found a new church to go to
Found a part time job at a day care
No longer was looked at as new

I've already booked plane tickets
For my family to see me
Even though I'm so happy where I'm at
Home is where I'll always long to be

*Just something I have been thinking about lately. I'm already in my first year in high school and time is just flying by. The school year is already half over! This might have brought back memories for a lot of new parents or reminded parents of what the future for their children might be. Hold onto the memories and cherish the times with them while they are little because it is no lie when people say "children grow up so fast"...I hope you all enjoyed this poem I really took time to write it and make sure everyone would like it as well! Thank you for reading*


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  • 11 years ago

    by Marcy Lewis

    This whole poem has me singing Don't Forget To Remember Me by Carrie Underwood.



    • 11 years ago

      by Chelsey

      Omg ewwwwwww stop reading my old crap hahahhaa

      a bit late though lmao shut up Tony...things dont go according to plan! in fact I didnt have a plan. I just randomly wrote. lol

      I was inspired by that song Linda!

  • 11 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    Aww wasn't you a sweetie lol

    Bit late tho 2010 lol

  • 16 years ago

    by Aureus Argentum

    Well you don't live in the UK, so you're probably not graduating at the age of 16... which I'm assuming you'll be 16 this year, and 17 next year, thus going to college. I might be wrong! lol

    I really loved this poem, Chelsey. It's so heartrendering and beautiful. You did an outstanding job. 5/5


  • 19 years ago

    by JJ

    Aww so beautiful farewell! I imagine when I move out it will be sort of the same. I'll miss everyone probably more then they'll miss me...I love the ending. amazing write girl! you truly are talented. just stay young for as long as you can and don't move out too fast, unless they evict you. haha...keep up the good work!

  • 19 years ago

    by Angie

    Awww Chelz, you made me cry.... you've brought back the memories of when my daughter graduated high school and the time came to bring her to college. I drove up there with her and shopped for her new apartment with her and even helped her decorate it too. When the day came that I had to leave her there all alone, I cried like a baby all the way home. She called me right after I left, I was only at the corner, she said, while crying "Mom, I miss you and I love you" and I said "I am only around the corner, do you want me to come back?" she said "No mom, you have a long way to drive" so I said "I love you Jen, you know I'm always here" She comes home every chance she gets, it is only a 5 hour drive, but it seems like forever when its your child.... This is absolutely a beautiful write and gives many parents, that haven't experienced this yet, a feeling of what to look forward too. And its not easy at all when you love them so much........... and its not easy on you kids either. Very strong, heartfelt and beautiful Chelz. I love ya girl.

    Smiles, Hugs and Love, Angela