Comments : The Day I moved out- 2010

  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    This was absolutely beautiful Chelsey. It seems like only yesterday I was a teenager but believe me it wasn't. Time flys fast and now I'm watching my Grandkids grow up and the years are still flying. You touched me with this one for sure and I remember the day I left to get married and how my Mom cried, just hating to let me go. Touching and you did a super job on this one. You got me in tears....
    Love ya, Ann

  • 19 years ago

    by Gesselle Valle

    I love's always hard to say goodbye to those you love...but when the time arrives you will finally know what the real feelings are...great poem, I love it, so sweet and honest 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Bill Turner

    Beautifully done. Stay true to your heart and your nature as you go through life. You are amazing!

  • 19 years ago

    by Simon Hayes

    Wonderful... Made me think of 16/20 years time when my daughter grows up and moves out. It made me think of what house I will be living in so many years from now, what our life will be like etc etc. Great stuff Chelsey! As Bill says stay true to your heart and your nature, it will get you far :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Angie

    Awww Chelz, you made me cry.... you've brought back the memories of when my daughter graduated high school and the time came to bring her to college. I drove up there with her and shopped for her new apartment with her and even helped her decorate it too. When the day came that I had to leave her there all alone, I cried like a baby all the way home. She called me right after I left, I was only at the corner, she said, while crying "Mom, I miss you and I love you" and I said "I am only around the corner, do you want me to come back?" she said "No mom, you have a long way to drive" so I said "I love you Jen, you know I'm always here" She comes home every chance she gets, it is only a 5 hour drive, but it seems like forever when its your child.... This is absolutely a beautiful write and gives many parents, that haven't experienced this yet, a feeling of what to look forward too. And its not easy at all when you love them so much........... and its not easy on you kids either. Very strong, heartfelt and beautiful Chelz. I love ya girl.

    Smiles, Hugs and Love, Angela

  • 19 years ago

    by JJ

    Aww so beautiful farewell! I imagine when I move out it will be sort of the same. I'll miss everyone probably more then they'll miss me...I love the ending. amazing write girl! you truly are talented. just stay young for as long as you can and don't move out too fast, unless they evict you. haha...keep up the good work!

  • 16 years ago

    by Aureus Argentum

    Well you don't live in the UK, so you're probably not graduating at the age of 16... which I'm assuming you'll be 16 this year, and 17 next year, thus going to college. I might be wrong! lol

    I really loved this poem, Chelsey. It's so heartrendering and beautiful. You did an outstanding job. 5/5


  • 11 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    Aww wasn't you a sweetie lol

    Bit late tho 2010 lol

  • 11 years ago

    by Marcy Lewis

    This whole poem has me singing Don't Forget To Remember Me by Carrie Underwood.



    • 11 years ago

      by Chelsey

      Omg ewwwwwww stop reading my old crap hahahhaa

      a bit late though lmao shut up Tony...things dont go according to plan! in fact I didnt have a plan. I just randomly wrote. lol

      I was inspired by that song Linda!