BestFriends- A definition.

by amandaa   Dec 27, 2005

Best friend.
A tricky thing to define.
There's only one
I'll say is mine.

I'll use her as an example
She'll be my definition.
her name for all of you, I'll tell
The beauty of ma girl

A best friend is
A blessing
but only if
It's real.
Best friends aren't materialistic
It's a love
That you must feel.

my best friend
Is my sanity
She changed me
In a million ways.
She senses something\'s wrong
Just cause she knows me that well.
and she tried with all her strength
To pick me up when I fell.

I realized when I lost
My best friend
That they're something you can't live without.
and that I'm really, truly, happy
When I know that she's around.

Someone I can cry on
In any circumstance
Someone who won't care about other people
And grab my hand, and make me dance.

Stands up for me,
I know she will always be here.
With her arms around me tight,
When I cry and shed a million tears.

She knows about the first guy ever
Who stole my heart and ripped it in two
She knows when he is bothering me
And she'll comfort me when it's what she needs to do.

Countless, endless,
Inside jokes.
Memories we'll never forget,
We know that each of us were blessed
The day we coincidently met.

Running around in the hallways at school
Laughing and yelling
She calls me a fool.
Someone sitting on the wall
Mutters out the word "loser"
She turns around and shares my grief
Even though, the moment's brief.

(that line was corny...please forgive me)

My best friend is
my survival.
And something that I NEED.
The only one out there
Who REALLY understands me.

There\'s A LOT in this poem that I hate, but seeing as I wrote it in like 7 minutes, you\'re going to have to forgive me.


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  • 19 years ago

    by chelsea

    Yer poem isnt bad at all. i like it cuz it explains how i feel about my bestfriendz, spencer, emily, nd dalee..luv ya