Dear Boy

by Mandee   Dec 27, 2005

I'm writing this in the style of a letter to express how I'm feeling toward a person I know.

Dear Boy,
Last December things started to fall apart between us. I felt so alone that every night was a struggle not to cry. And every night I lost that battle and would end up crying tears and tears till the wee hours of the morning. I never told you about it. In fear that you would try to make your actions right when all you would do is complicated them more. You would always leave me whenever I needed you around. Like the time at school when I begged you not to leave and then you turned around and walked out on me with him. You just left me standing there watching you walk away once again. I tried to tell you how I felt so many times that it began to hurt when you would look at me with tears in my eyes and ask whats wrong. When you should have known. Finally I found out that your best friend and his so called sister spent the night at your house. I cried hours and hours. I finally called you one night and told you it was over I was crying my eyes out and you replied ok whatever with an angry tone in your voice. When we hung up I ran into the room and found the razor. I started to tell myself that I was ugly that I didn't deserved to live, that I wasn't good enough for anybody or anyone and thats why you always left me.

Sorry I don't love you anymore,


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  • 18 years ago

    by lexcondevill

    One day i wish to talk to you with out one of us walking away my dore will be unlocked on a day that youve ben waiting for your hole life

  • 19 years ago

    by Emma

    Awww...that was really cool...i loved the thought of a letter simple but so unused....nice job....
    Emma 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Xox P.a.U.L.i.n.A xoX

    :) Rhis really good :P
    I don't know if it's apoem bust it really speaks out to me :)
    I really appreciate u commenting on my poem
    Take Care :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Just That Girl

    This is a gr8 poem....No Man Is Worth Your Tears And The One Who Is Woudn't Make You Cry! i kno iz hard when sumone walks out on you...hope u feel better soon!!

    Mrs. Cena

  • 19 years ago

    by steviee

    This is a really good poem.. i kno what its like to have someone tht means alot walk out on u.. its happened to me, and i use to cut..