Remember when....?

by lisa   Dec 28, 2005

Remember when we would laugh so hard mountain dew shot out our noses?
Remember when we would stay up all night talking about hott guys?
Remember when we would call each other and talk about nothing?
Remember when we would spend nights together talking about how much life sucked?
I sure do
At this point in my life i would give anything and everything to have you back
To have you back so we could do all that all over again
You were like a sister to me
The sister i never had
So do you remember
You probably don't sense you have "them" to be with
But just one day i hope you remember when......


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  • 19 years ago

    by Switchblade89

    Very nice poem...really sadning to me...hope to

  • 19 years ago

    by Temptation

    Beautifully written, well done!