The Damage To My Heart

by Kenzie   Dec 28, 2005

Things were going so well
I guess ... a little to well
Maybe that should have been my first clue
That you weren't what you seemed to be

Everything fell apart that day
That day that you finally talked to me
That day when what you had to say was so cruel
And everything you said was so far from true

All that you said should have hurt
It should have torn me apart
It should have broken my heart
But it didn't, and I felt almost nothing

Everything inside of me went numb that day
I couldn't feel the heart ache that I new was there
The pain that would be there
As soon as this new feeling went away

Though it wasn't just you who made me this way
It came from so many years of heart ache and pain
But you were the last thing I felt, the one that finally broke me
Before my heart couldn't take anymore

The damage to my heart is so severe
I can't feel anything anymore
And I'm starting to wonder if I'll be able to stand
The damage done to my lonely heart.

(C) Kenzie Farrer


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  • 19 years ago

    by XxCrazy4youxX

    ~*Really good n srry if thats true i had sum of your other work n i really like it keep it up*~ XoXo