I know Part I

by kraz33 beautiful   Dec 28, 2005

I know Part 1
I don't know much about love
But I know when enough is enough
I know when it is time to let go
I just know
I know because of how I feel
I know what's real and what's not real
I know that this isn't right
I know because of the way we fight
I know you don't love me
I feel it when you hug me
I know this pain will never end
Because soon this will start all over again
I know that you will miss me
But I also know you will diss me
I will miss you and think about you
But all I did was care for you
I know I did nothing wrong
Now all I do is listen to our song
You say you love me
But I know you didn't think nothing of me
I know what you would do when I wasn't around
I know I was just on the rebound
I know you almost fell in love with me
I know because of the way you miss me
I know you were crying last night
I know I should have been by your side
I know you need me
But I knew that you would leave me...


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  • 19 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    Its hard when we kno things..things we wish we nvr knew its hard but ahng in their..lvoe is so tough but god is their! LISSA