Without explanation.

by Rosie   Dec 28, 2005

I fell in love with you the moment that we met,
And you even said though moving words,
I'm falling in love with you.
I spent every awaking moment thinking of you,
And every sleeping moment dreaming of you,
But as time went on,
Without explanation,
You stopped talking to me,
You stopped loving me,
Or so it seems,
And it hurts more and more,
With every beat my heart takes,
With every breath my body makes,
I still spend every awaking moment thinking of you,
And every sleeping moment dreaming of you.


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  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Ohhh what a sad poem =( I hope you're okay hun. I felt the pain from your lines, and I loved the way you wrote this... keep up the awesome writing hun

  • 19 years ago

    by ♥SeRioUsLy DyinG♥

    OmG....ThiS PoeM iS Da BOMB.....I lOvE iT SoO MucH....SoRRi 4 My LasT PoeM....I NO iT DiDn'T MakE DaT MuCh SenSe....BuT YouR PoEMs R Gr8...ThEY InsPirE Me SoO MucH...WeLL....ThaNKs 4 Da CoMMenT...*-patti-*

  • 19 years ago

    by Tammi

    I love this poem for I know how this feels keep up the good work 5/5