
by Life is just a dream to death   Dec 28, 2005

Oh, spirits of Undine,
Thy with demonic lust.
I call upon thy beauty Undine
lure my foes with all your lust

Oh, spirits of kelpie,
Thy who live in the lake,
I ask of you great kelpie,
Eat my foes thy Undine lured to thy lake

Oh, spirits of the other world,
I call upon your name,
Eat these tortured souls,
Thy I let their bodys die

For those that do not know:
Undine: water nymph
Kelpie: a demon with shape of a horse, lives in the lake, and eats womans and children


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lanie

    I like this one ... i dedicate it to my ex boyfriend who is a p**ck ( ^ _ ^ ) because i think of him as a demon disguised as a human. can you make more poems with torturing? i'll wait for that!!!

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