Magic in the keyboard- feel better

by Chelsey   Dec 29, 2005

Rest your eyes and go to sleep
Take my words, listen to me
Laptop down, shut off the light
Rest sweet baby, say Goodnight

I’ll tuck you in the warm comfy bed
Check your fever, kiss your head
Prop your pillow, give you a hug
Check the corners for monsters and bugs

I’ll leave the light on in the hall
Case you need me, be sure to call
Couple extra blankets on the ground
If needed, put them on you and wrap them around

In the morning you’ll awake after a full nights rest
Sick or not, I won’t love you less
Although I’m not physically there, I’m still there
To give you Tenderness, Love, and Care

Perhaps just put a smile on your face
Since I’m not really at your place
But you tell me you’ve been hit with hell
Bed-ridden sick, not feeling well

So I will try and keep you company for but a while
A giggle here a giggle there, then a crack of a smile
Tonight we talked like I would with a close friend
Same time same place, I’d love to do it again

So I can not give you Nourishment with a million miles in the way
But tonight I’ll lean by my bed and pray
“Lord heel her body, make her feel less weak
Allow her a better way to breathe and speak”

I could not nurse you Nada; I’m not at your home
But I hope tonight you were not alone
The way I will nurse you and give you a reward
Is with the magic in every stroke of my keyboard

To Nada,,..feel better...I hope I kept you company tonight!! I haven't seen you type "lol" that many times in a while! So glad to have at least made you smile!! It was nice bondin with you and sorry I could not really be there to take care of ya...just thought I would write a cute little poem for ya!


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    You're a great friend baby and I am sure Nada is greatful to you for your loving friendship. You are really great and you have a nice poetic style too.

    -Tainted Mikochan

  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    Beautiful Chelsey, this shows the love within your heart for others...Maybe this will surely cheer up Nada...Great job.

    Love Ann

  • 19 years ago

    by Angie

    Beautiful, sweet and caring.... so glad you and Nada have bonded as you have. I am so sorry she isn't feeling well, I do know that this write will cheer her up and just knowing that you love her will make her feel better too. You have a beautiful loving heart Chelz.

    Smiles, Hugs and Love, Angela

  • 19 years ago

    by Simon Hayes

    Wonderful... A really touching write for Nada! Well written!

  • 19 years ago

    by Jay27

    How very sweet! I had heard also that this girl Nada is not happy at the moment, but maybe this will bring a smile to her face knowing she has people feel this way about her.

    It speaks volumes for your character Chelsey.