Why have we become so weak?

by ..::Angel of your darkness::..   Dec 29, 2005

Girls, what's happened to us?
Since when did we become so weak?
We meet some guy
And we're unable to speak

We give him all our love
And he brings us down
He doesn't deserve us
And we don't deserve the breakdown

We give him all we've got
And he takes it all
He makes us trip
But doesn't catch our fall

So why do we keep loving them?
When it's obvious we're being used
It's time to stop it
We dont need such abuse

If there is a guy you love
Who you know doesn't feel the same
Don't let him always win
In this sick twisted game

I know it's hard to lose them
Because they hold your heart
But next time they ask for it
Say no, at least it's a start

You'll get stronger after time
And they'll see what they've missed
Let them be the ones
That want your kiss

Why should we cry in our rooms?
While he's out with his mates
And while we're avoiding other guys
He's out with female dates

Even though it may hurt at first
Learn to hide it and move on
If they start to notice you
Act like nothings wrong

Play the game on them
Because we don't deserve it
Why should we cry and they not care?
It's not our fault they cant commit

If you think they love you
Then let them show you themself
Because it's time this game stopped
So it doesn't happen to anyone else

Forget about them
They're not worth the pain
Don't let them win anymore
stop the player at his game

((I'm sure most girls know what it's like to love a guy and for them to either not love you back, or to play on your emotions. It hurts... but sometimes you have to move on, why should you feel pain and them just carry on living they're lives and while toying with your emotions. But remember, not all guys out there are there to hurt you. You've just got to keep searching for the one who loves you back xoxox))


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  • 17 years ago

    by joanna

    U have no idea how great dis poem is! Y is it dat wen gurls start \"HANGING OUT\" wid a bunch of guys der called W-H-O-R-E and dey becaome hated by gurls and some guys too. & wen guys do da same thing der called PLAYERS & dey become adored by gurls evn though dey noe dat da guy is a playa and most guys would want to be playas. & PLAYERS ARE COOL! dats sooo messed up

  • 18 years ago

    by Kayanna

    Ahh i freaking love this poem...your so right....it made me realize how stupid i was being by letting him "win" sooo i blocked and deleted him off my buddy list..haha its a start! thanx!

  • 18 years ago

    by Toni Ann

    I have the guy that really loves me. He treats me amazing and respects every choice I have. He has been my boyfriend for awhile now and he knows when to love me and leave me alone. I love him with every beat of my heart. I hope you find that guy that loves you back if you haven't already?
    ~Toni Ann~

  • 19 years ago

    by BleedingAngel

    HEARD =0)..This is soooo true, what an amazing poem and great message to send out, excellent poem as always hunni....You did it again =0) I just love it...

    Much Love sabrina

  • Huni i no exactly how u feel, i loved this poem....my gf and i went 2 a party got pretty drunk, she had sex and gave head 2 another guy wen i was in the house! she then broke up with me, sed she loved me and went 2 the other guy, i feel so alone, i loved her so much no one would ever no, i have so many memories with her, i was committed 100% im so alone! i hope u r ok! if u need me im here 2 talk 2! luv maddison

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