Kissed by an Angel

by Esther   Dec 29, 2005

I've been kissed by an angel,
My dreams have all come true.
My life didn't seem worth it, it was a living hell.
But something saved me, it was a kiss from you.

A kiss so warm and tender,
A kiss so pure and true.
A troubled world mended,
All because of you.

An angel came to save me,
My life is now complete
my spirit has soars so free
and thanks to you, its totally neat

My kiss from my angel i now want to share
because a kiss from an angel is a kiss beyond compare!

(c) copyright Esther Savage


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  • 18 years ago

    by sarah

    Yet another great job take care hun sarah x

  • 19 years ago

    by klassickat

    I thought this was really cute and sweet. Great job!!