Goodbye my little brother

by LittleMissImperfect   Dec 29, 2005

Goodbye my little brother,
I'll love you to the end.
Even though you were so young
You were my true best friend.

I remember that sunny day
When we played with all your trains.
But with those happy memories
Come the tears of pain.

You were taken from this world
Way to suddenly.
And all I really want
Is you back here with me.

My baby boy I love you
You're always on my mind.
Even as I move through life
I won't leave you behind.

I still sit in your room at night
With tears streaming down my face.
I can almost hear your sweet laugh
The laugh no one can replace.

I can almost feel your fingers
Place upon my arm.
The way you used to comfort me
When I was shouted at by mum.

You were only 18 months old
Way too young to die
But I know you are with grandad now
Way up in the sky.

I'll never forget the day
They told me you were gone.
I've tried to erase those words
From my memory for so long.

I walked behind your coffin
When I was just 7 years old.
I remember the silence of the church
And the way it felt so cold.

I reached out to find your hand
But felt only empty air
That was when the tears came
As I realised you weren't there.

My baby bro was gone for life
He wasn't coming back.
And I watched them seal up the box
That contained all your train track.

That box still sits in your room
Though now eight years has passed.
It's there to remind us of
Our love that will always last.

I opened up the box the other day
And played with all your trains
I even made those little noises
You did when we played.

You'd just learnt how to walk
When you had to leave my side
On that awful day when
We had to say goodbye.

I still haven't accepted
That you're really, truly gone.
In my heart, in my mind
In my soul you'll always belong.

My gorgeous little brother
Your amazing bright blue eyes.
And even as the years pass
The real you never dies.

We still set out your stocking
As every Christmas comes around
And Santa Claus leaves you a present
Though he never makes a sound.

The picture of you and me
Sitting amongst your toys
Is the image I have in my head
That brings back all the joys.

I know people don't believe
And will never understand
That an 18 month old boy
Was my real best friend.

And though we couldn't have conversations
The love was still so true.
Just the glint in your eyes and the smile on your face
Said 'Laura I love you'.

So goodbye my little brother
We'll be together soon
'Lent, not give, to heaven'
And remember my love is true.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Lisa25

    "It's so sad it reminds me of my baby brother. Im so sorry Laura. I would miss him forever too. My best wishes to your baby brother."

  • 18 years ago

    by Lisa25

    "It's so sad it reminds me of my baby brother. Im so sorry Laura. I would miss him forever too. My best wishes to your baby brother."

  • 18 years ago

    by aimee

    THAT IS HONESTLY THE BEST POEM I'LL EVER READ, ITS AMAZING!!! honestly its a beautiful write and I can always hope to be half the writer you are.

  • 18 years ago

    by aimee

    Wow. What a wonderful poem. So sad. Brings tears in my eyes. Beautiful writin. Thats so strong and sad. i am so sorry, i hope u can always remember the good times;

  • 19 years ago

    by Me and Me Only

    Wow, is it true?