Comments : You Draw Me So Deep Within

  • 18 years ago

    by Truest Lies

    There were a few grammatical errors but the subject of friendship is always a very nice one...good job.

    //Truest Lies//

  • 18 years ago

    by Katlynn

    Amazing job. i really liked this poem alot knowing that she has a friend like you to tell her problems. I'm glad she does and i hope she reads this because this is an amazing piece of work. You are very talented. keep it up. keep on writing. love always and forever.

  • 18 years ago

    by Lucy Loves Not

    "I can tell when your down"...your should be you're. Anyway, I don't usually enjoy rhyming poems, although you portrayed your message quite clearly. I like what you had to reminded me of my best friend (not including the wife part), and I think it's important that I can connect with the poems I read. Good job.

    Lucy Loves Not