Comments : You

  • 19 years ago

    by t i f f a n y ♥

    Wow! This is a great poem. I love it!! I love this stanza the most though:

    Mum, why did you crumble?
    While I still soldiered on.
    I wish you'd keep your head up,
    wheres your emotion gone?

    Awesome. So much emotion. Great job. 5/5.


  • 19 years ago

    by SeVi 26

    Great poem, ur poem speaks truth, as well as your pain. Its perfect, keep doing what you are doing.

  • 19 years ago

    by Lucy Loves Not

    I liked the message in this poem....and it flows very well. You have a couple of spelling/grammar errors, but nothing too horrid. Perhaps you should do a run through it and see if you can fix anything.

    I related to this picked a topic and presented it in a successful way; that's important to be able to connect with your readers as you did.

    Lucy Loves Not

  • 19 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    Dang thats nice really nice, great poem 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Dreams

    I hadn’t got a clue what you’ll write just by the title of this poem, but you had me right into it the moment I step on the meaning of it. The reminisce works to really bring out the emotions and tell a really heartfelt story.

    I like how you’ve expressed this poem, it’s written in a simplistic manner and it kinds of speaks to the reader. =)

    From a filial daughter to mother… a true piece written from the heart. But fix your spelling mistakes and it would be great! =) Thanks for sharing.

  • 19 years ago

    by Katlynn

    Amazing job that's all i have to say. You wrote it from your heart and that's the best piece of poem you could ever get from someone and this is an truely amazing poem you have wroten. keep it up. keep on writing. love always and forever.

  • 19 years ago

    by *Amber Faith.* ©

    This is an amazing poem.
    I love all of your poems.
    Your sooooo talented.
    Never stop. I love them!

  • 19 years ago

    by pseudo

    Wow.. beautiful poem! this is a inspiring poem for pretty much going thru you are.. that we should get thru our bad times.. great message you are sending! flowed very nicely and had a great meaning keep up the great work =)!
