Saw you with your new girl

by Concealing Words   Dec 30, 2005

I saw you with your new girl
And it was too much to see
The way you kissed and held her hand
Like you use to with me

You had the same look in your eye
And gave her the same smile
Everything that once was mine is gone
But I am still in denial

I haven't been able to move on
Can't just let go of you
How could you forget so fast
All the feelings you once knew

Is what we had that meaningless
That you did not need time to recover
I close my eyes to remember our time
And open to see you with another

Do you tell her the same things
Take her to our secret spot
Is it my imagination when she looks at me
That she is saying "what you want, I got"

I wish this did not consume me
Wish I could just as easily move on
How could you hold her in your arms
That is where I belong

They keep telling me one day
One day everything will be clear
I will not hurt anymore
Will not shed another tear

But that day is not today
Nor will it come soon enough
How do I get over seeing you share with someone else
What was once my love


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lacy

    OMG this is the sweetest thing i have ever read in my life i'd give you 10 straight up...

  • 19 years ago

    by BrokenMemoriex

    This is so touching, hun. 5 points from me... =) Check out my poems if u want.

  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    0h hun this was sad. a very t0uching piece with em0ti0n. its hard m0ving 0n fr0m things u really l0ve. neway im here if u need t0 talk. uve expressed urself really g0od. h0pe things w0rk 0ut f0r u. h0pe u had a w0nderful xmas, and all the best f0r the new year ahead 0f us! keep up the great w0rk!

    l0tz 0f l0ve *-x00o00x-*