A Letter to my shadow

by Chelsey   Dec 30, 2005

This was a collab/challenge written by me and Angela...we were given 10 words to put in the poem and here are the words: Fish, slippery,vengeance,llama,glass, orange, punctuate, remote control, perfume, and smelly

Sometimes you're in front
Other times at my side
You even end up behind me
We follow the same slippery stride

You seen me make faces like a fish
I have made faces like a clown
Not once did you look at me weird
Not once did you bring me down

I've seen you on the walls
Even on the floors
But without vengeance
Together, we've walked out the door

We rode upon a llama
Just you and I
You are my best friend
Without you I would cry

When I look into my glass mirror
I see my reflection
And there are some days Shadow
When you look better then my own complexion

We seem to be attached
By our smelly toes
Me and my shadow
That's just how it goes

Let me punctuate that
Whatever tomorrow may bring
As long as you are near
We can get through anything

Like an orange on a table
You shine oh so bright
My friend, my shadow
You turn my darkness to light

You know I love you deeply
Sometimes though I just wish death would take its toll
Like times when you make me get up
If I can't reach the remote control

Or the times you say my perfume stinks
As if you smell better
But I want to thank you shadow
Which is the man point of my letter

It was fun working with you Angela, I love ya!


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lu

    Chels & Angela ...
    Excellent job you both did on this collab ...
    Loved it !!!!!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by katie!

    A humourous and interesting poem, well written both of you! I certainly enjoyed reading this!!!!!

    Take care

  • 19 years ago

    by Nahibi Maldonado

    Great poem!

  • 19 years ago

    by Simon Hayes


    How did you do that?? That's amazing... The words we gave you were quite amusing, you've come out with a LOVELY poem... I'm impressed!!! Well done both of you.

  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    You two did an excellent job....great work....enjoyed this one a lot...

    Love Ann