Dissection: More Than Just A Fetal Pig

by Jaime   Dec 31, 2005

Exploring the heart of a fetal pig
Past his ribs, his walls of protection
I look down at my own body
And begin my hearts mental dissection

The rib cage that keeps me breathing
The membrane that holds it in place
It hurts me to look past the outside
So I hide the pained look on my face

I imagine a scar across my atriums
It's the reason I don't let people in
My ventricles are always one pump behind
At least I know why I can't win

I notice there's something missing
That I just can't put my finger on
It's been that way ever since the day
A certain someone has been gone

Suddenly I can't do this anymore
The pressure of tears in my eyes
The piggy has it so much better
I've finally come to realize

He has no pain, no secrets
No worries, no scars, no strife
Then it hits me: the reason that I'm better off
Is I've been given a shot at life


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ariana

    What a unique idea, lol. I enjoyed this, I liked how you sum everything up in the last stanza.
    BTW, your quotes are awesome :)

  • 19 years ago

    by N8

    What!!! ur to freakin smart and deep! lol bad combination cuz then the stupid people like me have to think really hard about ur poems! haha but it was a great poem once i realised what u were talking about with words like ventricles and stuff! haha i had to go back to science class in 7th grade..hehe well anyways thanks for the comments on my poems! much love!

  • 19 years ago

    by brady haupt

    Poor piggy, this is a really good poem, in my physical science class we disected a shark and that was some pretty awful stuff, i feel your pain lol.