Comments : Dissection: More Than Just A Fetal Pig

  • 19 years ago

    by brady haupt

    Poor piggy, this is a really good poem, in my physical science class we disected a shark and that was some pretty awful stuff, i feel your pain lol.

  • 19 years ago

    by N8

    What!!! ur to freakin smart and deep! lol bad combination cuz then the stupid people like me have to think really hard about ur poems! haha but it was a great poem once i realised what u were talking about with words like ventricles and stuff! haha i had to go back to science class in 7th grade..hehe well anyways thanks for the comments on my poems! much love!

  • 19 years ago

    by Ariana

    What a unique idea, lol. I enjoyed this, I liked how you sum everything up in the last stanza.
    BTW, your quotes are awesome :)