Comments : 4 my sis-A Poem of my Persevering Love

  • 19 years ago

    by Ann Stareyes

    A beautiful and special poem for a special and caring young woman. Your love shines for Eirisa....a heartfelt piece Chelsey....great job.

    Happy New Year!
    Love Ann

  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    Wow what a beautiful dedicati0n. such a t0uching piece. great j0b darl. keep up the great w0rk!! =)

    l0tz 0f l0ve -*x00o00x*-

  • 19 years ago

    by Simon Hayes

    Superb!! Well written... Put a smile on my face.

  • 19 years ago

    by Angie

    Well Chelz, you've brought tears to my eyes..... this is a beautiful and heartfelt write for Eirisa. The loving sisterly bond you have for each other is one to be treasured and you are blessed to have found each other.

    Smiles, Hugs and Love, Angela

  • 19 years ago

    by JJ

    Aww sweet Eirisa! I don't have a big sister but if I did have one, I wish it were Eirisa. she seems like a loving, caring, understanding big sis. best wishes to you both...

    beautiful dedication!

  • 19 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    Oh baby sis, my lil titta
    What can I say but really jaw dropping WOW! Im so touched and honored for you to have constructed this beautiful and precious piece of poetry for made my heart smile, it made my day. It said everything about the way I feel about you and just how much you mean to me, the affects you have had on my life and the times that you have helped pull me thru. Thats what friendship and true sisters is about Chelsey and I couldn't ask God for a better one than what I have been blessed enough to have found in you...
    Thankyou my angel from the depths of my heart and with every inch of love within that for such a touching and memorable write...
    Your sis
    Eirisa xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Lu

    Chelsey ,
    Awww sweetpea , this brought tears to my eyes...
    So incredibly beautiful , touching and loving..
    I know in my heart Erisa loves you as much as you her because you are the sweetest little angel heart I know....
    Beautiful A.I.D ....

  • 18 years ago

    by Laura

    OMG...this was beautiful. I could feel the love and support dripping from this poem. Your friend must be very special for this poem is a true deducation and very well written. Not many people get to experience the type of friendship you describe here....I can see why it is one of your favorites!! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by *Charisma*

    Loved this poem. so heartfelt. we all need a friend like that. good job and incredible rhyme scheme specially with it being so long. Jpoet*