Just thinking

by lucy   Dec 31, 2005

Never thought it be so hard
to move on without you
after two years I haven't forgot
how I was baby and you were boo

never though Id attempt suicide
or that I would fall apart
never thought that with you
I would end up with a broken heart

I never imagined
our love could be so true
and when you left I realized
how much I love you

so Jose, please realize
and try to come back
realize that without you
my life is gloomy and Wacke

now that you are far
I see our love is still real
and I know what I felt for you
is something I wont ever feel


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  • 19 years ago

    by iDeePanda

    That was good! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Omg hunni... this poem is so sad... I can feel the pain behind the lines. Please talk to me anytime you need someone, because I'm always here. Listen, you are beautiful just the way you are and you deserve a perfect guy, so never let anyone make you think you deserve less. I hope you're okay, and I'm serious--anytime you need to talk. Great poem hunni