Desperation (continued)

by hanna   Dec 31, 2005

I wake up now,
Oblivious to the life i lived before
I\'m seeing the reality
of my own little world.

Apart from everyone,
Separated by my own pain,
The pain which blinded me
from seeing the plain truth.

I had been alone.
With no one else to comfort me.
I look down on them from where i am,
and they dont care.

Dont care that im gone,
Dont care that i had suffered,
Dont care that i suffer still
from seeing their backs turned on me.

So, i turn my back on them,
Curl up in a small and tight ball,
I cover my ears,
and release myself.


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  • 19 years ago

    by UnToLd TrUtH

    OMG! this is Wonderful! :) Keep up the good work!


  • 19 years ago

    by aimee

    I Love ur work, Have a gr8 life