A New Beginning

by evangeline   Dec 31, 2005

The New Year will shortly unfold
And with it, new beginnings untold
My life begins once more this day
Erased is the misery and other such fray
Pills of white and serpentine disappear this night
And blades sharper than misunderstanding's trite
No more disdain will breach my self-control
No more blackest spurs will leave me in a role
Of macabre and designs to give myself pain
I wish all the world peace, no more disdain
And tremors cherish I none
This existence and all that has been done
Will be erased, invalid, and without trace
In my mind, denied thought by alone grace
To free me from the fetters I'd grown so fond
Cherishing the physical throw of the bond
But alas, I'll be free this sullen and glorious night
With stars outshining the most brilliant bright
The moon will rise, December 31st, 2005
I'll only be able to thank God that I am alive
The tears have now dried, even though I'm moved
To cherish this feeling of splendid release I've desired
Since Eve passed this last year, beginning the fired
Flaming passion to destroy my world indwelt within
This very night my life will begin again


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  • 19 years ago

    by Drew Gold

    I'll just dig in.. I think the poem was appealing in imagery content flow and rhythm, up until about..

    No more disdain will breach my self-control
    No more blackest spurs will leave me in a role

    first line, to me, seems a bit fumbly, and the second line doesn't sound too put-together, either,.. in the next line, I like the word 'design' and 'macabre' but also can't but help the wording isnt quite on and language not quite as poignant as it could be...

    I wish all the world peace, no more disdain

    that seems a bit trite to me and disdain being used twice doesn't really work, coupled with the excellent language arount it..

    With stars outshining the most brilliant bright

    borderline-cliche.. i'd take it out and beef up on the imagery; anything to express the brightness of the future, without, maybe, using bright.. I like the way the line flows so smoothly into the next..

    I'll only be able to thank God that I am alive

    seems uneffective; again, because all the other language is used so well..

    To cherish this feeling of splendid release I've desired

    'splendid' seems a bit outta place and without it the flow might be augmented.

    anyway, so overall I really enjoyed this piece,.. Good ending and I think it has a solid message behind it. You just have to cut off the slack, take what words you need and leave what you don't and I think the piece will be a lot more, afterwards. =O) pZ out!