Leave Me Alone

by Kalene   Jan 1, 2006

I get sick and tired
Of phony people that act like they care
I get sick and tired of people
That even dare come up to confront me

They don't really care about what happens
Just want to know questions
So they can use it against me
And tell their friends

I don't want to see what becomes of me
I just want people to leave me alone
They always point at me for the wrong doing
Please, can't anyone see that THEY are wrong?

I feel like I am fainting
Fainting from myself
I need someone to help me
Do I?
Do I live my life in vein?
Or is it YOU?
If I do, then you're the cause
I am falling now
So leave me alone


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  • 18 years ago

    by justhere

    Aww....a very true poem for every teen out there ever now and then
    good job....keep up the good work

  • 19 years ago

    by DevilWithin

    Awww hun this is really good and at times i feel the same way take care hun , xoxo Rach

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