The best of 2005

by firexflys   Jan 1, 2006

As I am sitting here thinking about the past year,
The good time and the bad times, the ups and down
The smiles and the frowns, the tears and the laughs,
One thing occurs to me about the memories I have.

So many memories so many thing to recall,
I found one memory that surpasses the happiness in
Them all, one memory that I look back on to this
Day that still bring a smile upon my face,

This one memory is the best I'd have to say,
There's not one in my past that can compare,
One thing I remember is when it happened
I just didn't know what to think or say, I
Was shocked in a way,

I know the day and place,
I know I was lying in your arms,
And your heart was beating like it just won a race,
And you were holding me and touching my face,

I remember after you said it, I just quietly sat there,
I didn't say anything back, I bet for you that was a scare,
I remember you whispered it in my ear and I didn't know
What to think at first I was kind of scared, finally after you
Asked me I said it too.

And in the moment I knew, that I would never not in
My life time ever be able to forget you, that day I gave
You my heart, I gave you it all,

My favorite memory for the year,
By far was the best, was when you
Told me you loved me. it surpasses all the rest.

���© written by FireXfly

comment/ vote plz. i''ll do the same.. it mean a lot


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  • 18 years ago

    by Emma

    I really enjoyed this...I just liked the way it fit together...nice job...
    Emma 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Leah20

    That was sweet. Generally I detest love poems, so you did very well! There was only one time where the rhyme scheme felt forced and that was here:

    And your heart was beating like it just won a race,
    And you were holding me and touching my face,

    I remember after you said it, I just quietly sat there,
    I didn't say anything back, I bet for you that was a scare,

    It's not atrocious, I just think that it seems a little facked. Other than that, I really liked the beginning, it rhymed but it wasn't in a conventional format. Nice job, keep it up.

  • 19 years ago

    by David McIntosh

    Very Long but I like it alot, Tells a wonderful story

  • 19 years ago

    by Josefina

    Really good. Loved it. i can relate. it is so beuatiful when someone tells you dat dey love you and really mean it. Very touching keep up the good work. it was excellent

  • 19 years ago

    by mandii

    Great poem...i can so relate....thats when me and my baby started going out...i loved 2005...but this year is gonna be way