Comments : My Own World 11-10&11-04

  • 19 years ago

    by Paula

    I read your profile who cares what other people think, that is what I say. You are you and if you are happy that is all that matters. I know we constant think about what others might think about us if I wear this, or if I say this, well they too aren't all that. So as hard as it is I hope you know that it doesn't matter what others think because we are never going to make everybody happy.
    You are a wonderful writer. I have read this poem of yours, I haven't gotten to your others but will do so soon. LIfe leads us to some really rough paths in life and it sucks because there are so many times where we just don't know what to do with the pain that we are feeling. We feel like we are never going to escape this pain, if we turn left there it is, if we turn right there it is. HELP US! But we feel so hopeless and don't want to go on because everything seems so hard, then just when we get through that, here it comes again. Pain, what does it have my name all over it, is the way I feel sometimes. I am learning to trust that God does love me to even after the horrible thing/s I have done in my life, because I know that God is our maker and that he is by our sides, and He loves us, all of us.

    Hang in there, sounds like you have too been through down some rough roads and maybe still are, but I hope you know that you are never alone, even when you can't see His face, He is there by your side. You are His child and He only wants the best for you.

    Believe in yourself and take kare.