Long Friendship (Dedicated to Adam Yost) 4-5-05

by Amanda Clayburn   Jan 1, 2006

You don't know how much I miss you
We had a wonderful time
Teaching each other what to do for the both of us
We love to make funny jokes
But later on you hide the happiness away from people
I know your friends are much different from me
But you have to be yourself
We speak about our future
Where you and I are going to live
I don't want to separate from you
You brought back my life
I was still in the shadows
So cold and lost
Crowded up in this box
Then you said what music you listen to
I notice that I wasn't the only one
Who thought that way
I thought I was the only one who was lost in this world
I was in the dark wanting to go somewhere all the time
I love my life but a lot has changed
It changed so fast
In the past several years
My so-called friends have been hurting me
This one guy who wont stop bugging me
'Cause he loves me
I don't like him though
You are the only one that really knows who I care
I love to scream and shout
Be crazy and never caring who thinks of me
Then when I come back to reality
Everything changes
I want it to stop
But life goes on
I'm just missing you right now
You're in a different place now
But then later on I will see you once again at school
Laughing, helping each other on homework
Talking about what we should do to help your 9 stair skateboarding site
But over the summer I wont see you
And that will hurt me the most
I don't know if you're moving
Going to a different school
Or even if you're dead and up in heaven
But hopefully that will never happen
I wish you everything
I wish you the band that you will have in the later future
You being a skateboarder pro
And maybe you and I could stay together
Maybe friends
Or a couple
So go have fun and remember your four close friends
Even if I am the only girl friend you have
I care about you
And I will always be there for you


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  • 19 years ago

    by Nahibi Maldonado

    It's a good one love this line So cold and lost
    Crowded up in this box
    You might wanna take this work and put it in to a real poem. To me is half poema and the other half is like your saying it to him. But other than that it's great!