Comments : The Pain

  • 19 years ago

    by ~Fallen Angel~

    Your poem was pretty good. If I were you; you might want to read it over yourself becasue I think your ideas got ahead of you typing and u left a few key words [i.e is, was, a ,the....] That why I gave it a 4 but if you edit it I would definitely give it a 5. If you get a chance I would like it if you check out my poems and tell me what you think

  • 19 years ago

    by lynn

    Wat the f..k??spell check over here.. NNNNN-e-way..awsome poem i give it a f..kin 5. yep yep.really good writing,i feel u though u sound like u deal with some sh.t..well the out come of all the pain and hurt is strength..even when it seems like your only getting weaker,try and change the way u think,good poem,check out mine,click my name. stay up. im out