Just to make you Proud

by ~Fallen Angel~   Jan 2, 2006

I know I'm not the best nor the brightest
But all I want to do is make you proud
Though I can't quite figure out why

You showed me nothing but the worst
As a child
You nearly left me in a hearse

You took off
To find yourself with another man
And left me in his hands

My father was worse
Because of the distrust
The beatings just got even worst

Yeah, you got me later
With the cops and all
But that's when a new hell began that fall

Your new husband didn't beat me at all
He hugged me and told me that he loved me
You really know how to pick them ma

And late at night while you were asleep
He would creep. Creep into my room
Where I wish I was fast asleep

Kissing me gently
Creasing me all over
I felt so dirty as I weeped.

As I told you about
What was unfolding
You just scolded me

Calling me a liar
You started to conspire
On what I should tell C.P.S upon their arrival.

To protect my sister
From it all
I stood up and became a liar

As I started to say
What you wanted me to say
I began to pray

Dear God I thought
Save me from this mistake
And take my fears away

God must have been out that day
Because the days that followed
Brought nothing but pain

And although I felt so bad
I somehow felt somewhat glad
Just to make you proud


Copyright ©2005 Georgina M


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  • 18 years ago

    by not a poet


  • 18 years ago

    by Kara !

    It's rather sad. It makes me think of all those children going through this. And it feels like it's straight from the child - like you are dictating the child's thoughts word for word.

    I'm a little confused whether you was trying to rhyme or not. I figured not, but every now and then they'll be a rhyming couplet, which puzzled me.

    It is good though. Nice work. x

  • 18 years ago

    by Arcane Blondie

    Wow-that is breath taking---It is very sad and in the poem you express your emotions well. This must be a hard topic to write about- The flow is great-5/5 Stay strong-I hope life gets better for you--

  • 19 years ago

    by holly

    Wow that was really deep and thoughtful poem its so sad and touching i feel so sorry for anyone who has to go through that i hope its over for you and that wrtting helps you heal

    but your writting is beautiful well done on a fantastic poem

    lots of love

  • 19 years ago

    by nikki

    This one is rly sad and i luv it...i luv sad poems *lol* but seriously this is a great poem. 5/5