Darkend wedding

by Lovemelodyx3   Jan 2, 2006

Her pail skin shows so white
dark vail,red red dress
her red and black roses in her hand
so beautiful but such a mess

she lays in her room wondering
where is my love,he isnt here,why?
her heart aches so much
and she starts to cry

she starts to cry harder now
tear drops or mascara,blakend face
her red dress fallows her
as she worries and starts to pace

i thought he loved me,i thought he cared
her only hopes for happiness have sliped away
people try and confort her
and tell her its going to be okay

the pain gets worse and she feels horrid
she feels her body start to rip apart
she places her hand on her chest
her vains start to ache,then her heart

she rips off her dress and runs outside
every one fallows her as she runs away
they try to t alk to her
\"its going to be okay\"

she shakes her head and steps to the road
\"come on now its going to be alright\"
she shakes her head once again
\"im not going to give up without a fight\"

she watches the car aproach her in fast spead
she runs out and jumps in the way
every one stairs and freezes
so much for her special day


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  • 19 years ago

    by StMario

    LEt this one be a part two.... she survives, and gets her man! he could have been stuck in traffic!....(smiling) I liked it...